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The Newspaper Dress

Writer: melindafoxmelindafox

Years ago I had this idea to create a dress made of newspaper.

It's not really the most creative idea I've had and others have definitely done it before, many with more skill and success than I.

But it was an idea that has been rolling around in my head for years. And this is my year of Daring Greatly. This is the year I get out of my own way and do the big things I have dreamed of doing.

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But that doesn't make doing the things easy. My dreams seem to always be accompanied by shadows, these idea crushing questions: • will it work?

•am I good enough to make this?

•is it gonna look stupid?

•is this a waste of time?

•will people hate it?

•what if I fail?

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All these questions have stopped me at some point or another, especially those last two.

"Will other people hate it?"

Even as I type this I want to shout "WHO CARES!" but I care that people care. You, the people, are kind of important to my artistic creations because, based on my work, you choose to come to me to become art.

You choose me because you like what you see and you want it for yourself.

If I make art you don't like, chances are you won't trust me to create for you. And that makes all the sense- good on you for that.

I want you to like what I create just like anyone else.

I like approval.

I like being liked.

I like feeling accepted.

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Unfortunately, as an artist that has to create and grow and expand that means I sometimes have to sacrifice likability. I am not everyones cup of tea. From my personality to my creations, some people just won't want it. That, my friends, is much easier to type in the safety of my studio than it is to have someone say it to my face.

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BUT! I have learned that is ok. More than ok actually. See, I'd much rather face the pain of creating what I want to create, be free and in touch with my creative soul, and have people dislike it than live in soul-crushing bondage to the erratic tastes of the world.

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So what if people hate my work?

*shrugs shoulders* Then they hate it and move along and I keep creating.

Ultimately, I don't really create for others. I create because there is something in me, in all artists, that is trying to transcend beyond what this world is.

I create because it rejuvenates my soul, fills the empty spaces of my heart, and adds light to an otherwise dark world.

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I can't give that up just because I'm afraid others might not see beauty the way I see it.

Yeah, it's just a bunch of newspaper held together with hot glue and tape.

But I think it's beautiful!

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A very special thank you to the Spalding Memorial Library in Athens PA for giving me so much newspaper! It would have been very difficult to do this without them- thank you Meaghann.

"Who did this amazing makeup?" you might ask. I'll tell you- Shea Hollister. So much love and constant gratitude to you and your amazing skills, my friend. Thank you!

Gabby came to our team at the last minute to do showcase her hair skills and she surpassed my expectations. Thank you, sweet girl!

You might recognize this beautiful face from a creative project a few months back. Then she was covered in pearls. What can I say? Bella wears it all beautifully! Thank you, Bella!

Now, what about the f-word, that failure bit?

Well, that deserves its own post.



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Fox Photography by Melinda Fox



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