Jessica and I have a problem when we get together, we talk.

We talk a lot.
We talk for hours and it feels like minutes.
There are no lulls in our conversations.
And they are deep, man are they deep . . . in our last conversation there was talk about betrayal and honesty, Dante's nine circles of hell, Jesus, digestible vitamins, and fasting.
This is just what happens when you get two ADD kids together.

ADD barely plays a role, this is just what it's like with Jessica.
There is no small talk because, as Jessica would say, "What's the point?"
Talking with Jessica is this mindful dance of obscure topics and new knowledge. I don't know how Jessica holds all that information in her head. She's wickedly intelligent, incredibly observant, and hyper-aware. She also has a strong dislike for authority, dogma, and rigid beliefs, but she's always respectful.

Now, what's this beautiful woman do with all that knowledge and know-how?
She helps people.
People who are in the midst of heartbreaking storms and toil find her and she sits with them.
"I see my job as helping people face their dark night," Jessica told me. "I want to be with people when they face this. I can't do it for them, but I can be with them and tell them they are strong enough to look at what they need to face."

Jessica is a lot of things but an easy way to describe her is an Integrative Health Coach and Kambo Practioner.
If you'd known Jessica before 2021 this path might seem surprising. She was a nurse since 2007, all in critical care units including working in trauma helicopters. It's safe to assume she's seen it all. Very few things could have surprised Jessica thanks to her line of work in the medical world.

But then the dame broke . . . and so did Jessica. Tragedy happened and this incredible, unflappable nurse, mother of five children, and wife crumpled.

"My trauma response was who I was," Jessica said, her voice even and honest. "I had treatment-resistant PTSD. Things that should have worked, things that I was told would work, weren't working. I was gonna die. I knew it. I needed help so I said to the universe whatever you got, I'll try it."

A short time later Jessica found herself in Costa Rica having a spiritual awakening that has changed her body and soul. "I had to let my trauma go because that's all there was of me, just this big mess that couldn't function. It was bad. So I had to let it go. That was very interesting." Jessica smiled but not at me, more like a memory or a whisper. "I got out of modern medicine. So, now I want to help others this way. That's my purpose. I want to raise the human consciousness to another level. I just want humanity to heal and plant medicine is like a rocket pack to that healing."

"I want this to reach the people it belongs to because this isn't mine," Jessica said as we continued. "It's not anyone's. I'm just a guide to bring people to this altar."
"What goes on the altar?" I asked my friend, the room around us quiet.
"Your willingness to be there, your hesitations, the desire to listen," Jessica paused. "Mostly it's our preconceptions of what life actually is. Because it's not what we think, absolutely not what we think." Then she paused again and shrugged her shoulders. "But it's different for everyone and you'll know what you need to let go of if you choose to go on this path."

"There is a lot to this," I said, inwardly cursing my inability to take notes faster. "I imagine you don't just want people coming to you because they think this is some oddity and they're bored on a weekend. What do you want people to know?"
"I want the clients who are most aligned with me. And they will find me," Jessica said as she nodded her head. "No one comes to me for the same reason. I treat everyone like an individual. I want to know your intentions. Why are you here? I love seeing people from every crickedy angle. How you choose to see people is a reflection of how you see you. I help with people seeking. I'm a guide until people can do it themselves."

There are never any lost words with Jessica. Heck, even writing this and looking back through my notes I was reminded of how insightful she was and how I wished I'd been able to ask her more questions. It's interesting though, because Jessica will quickly tell you she doesn't have all the answers. There are things she doesn't know but she's more than willing to seek out the answers and she's comfortable with the journey.
That's why I like Jessica, she's an incredible travel companion to experience a moment of life with.
And she says the 'F' word a lot, so I knew we'd got along well. Jessica is
•a functional medicine practitioner
•a sacred medicine guide
•a healing and health coach
•an intuitive and spiritual coach •a mental health practitioner And most importantly Jessica is a woman who cares about healing and wholeness and is willing to walk that road with everyone who comes ready to move forward.
If you need to reach out and connect with Jessica contact her via her email address
She will be happy to hear from you.

Cheers to you, my wholehearted friend. You really are helping heal the world one person at a time.
Hair and makeup by the amazing Shea Hollister.
And the lovely gold and black patterned dress thanks to Brady Rose Boutique. We are all BIG fans!
P.S. Are you interested in an incredible photoshoot experience all your own with Melinda? Whether it be a branding photoshoot, birthday photoshoot, mother and daughter pictures, headshots, or contemporary portraits and boudoir we will create something show-stopping that celebrates you!
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Fox Photography by Melinda Fox, Photographers in Athens PA, Photographers in Sayre PA, Photographers in Waverly NY, Photographers in Elmira NY, Photographers in Towanda PA, Photographers in Corning NY, Photographers in Ithaca NY, Photographers in Twin Tiers Area. Fox Photography by Melinda Fox