Just give me a lumberjack, a dark night, a little light, and my camera and I'll be happy.
Josh, you are truly incredible! Between your stories, understanding of food, and seemingly limitless amounts of knowledge, you've become a dear friend.
Ya'll know how I feel about photographing men- I love it! I feel that too often men go unseen in photographs.
I want men to see themselves progress and grow and become.
I want them to feel powerful and confidant.
I want them to know that just because they don't get makeup or pretty dresses doesn't mean they are any less deserving.
Men, you deserve to exist in photographs.
You deserve to have a legacy of pictures that make you proud.
Get in front of the camera, fellas.
You're worth it.
Love, Melinda
Photography Studio in Athens PA.
Serving Athens Pennsylvania, Towanda Pennsylvania, Corning New York, and Twin Tiers area.