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For Husbands

Writer: melindafoxmelindafox

Allyson's photoshoot came to her as a gift from her husband, Brett. He lovingly planned the whole thing including a weekend trip after the shoot.

Brett sent me this message a few hours after he and Allyson left on their mini adventure:

"Proud husband alert coming through...

"Thank you so much for your work with Allyson. I've only seen a few tidbits of the work, but Allyson couldn't stop talking about it, and she exuded confidence in every syllable, not embarrassment, regret, or fear that it wouldn't look amazing. You found a confidence in her and unleashed it.

"I am astounded.

"Thank you for the work you do, and please know that you are more than a talented artist, but you are one of the most genuinely positive people I have ever met, and someone I am happy to call a friend. Thank you!"

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Brett could see the change in Allyson. He could see that this experience awoke something in her and it's glorious!

While the experience of Allyson's photoshoot was transformative, seeing the pictures and then holding them was as eye-opening as it was rejuvenating.

"These pictures talk," Brett said looking over Allyson's shoulder at the picture she held. "You can hear the inner dialogue when you look at them. These pictures all tell different stories."

Brett and Allyson continued to look through her pictures, marveling at each print until they got to Allyson's smile.

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"Gosh!" Brett said, grinning. "Look at that smile. I feel bad saying it but after years it's almost like I got used to seeing your smile. It's just a part of my life. But seeing it here. Seeing it in these pictures . . . that smile! Even after all these years that smile still gets me."

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See, having this experience, this opportunity to be seen and celebrated, doesn't just change you. This changes those that love you. This reminds them that through the years of children, jobs, school, trials, and triumphs your magic is there.

The power of your smile still holds your sweetheart captive.

They are reminded of the hypnotizing nature of your movements.

And they are enthralled by the beauty of your soul.

Photographers in Sayre PA; photographers in Elmira NY; Photographers in Athens PA;

Husbands, boyfriends, lovers- the women in your life want to be seen. I know you see them. I know you are doing your best to let them know how wondrous they are. Sometimes, they just need a little more, a little extra, a little different. When they get that not only to they reawaken into this full embodiment of confidence and joy but so do you!

You fall in love a little more.

You look at her a little longer.

You chase her a little harder.

And you realize that even after all this time her divine beauty only got brighter, you both just needed a chance to see it.

Posing with boxes; apple boxes; blue dress pose; photographers in Sayre pa;

My handsome friends, this experience is for her, but you get to share in the rewards.

Contact me and I'll help you plan something magical!

Ladies, if your significant other needs the hint that you want this photoshoot experience, send him this post and I'll take care of the rest.



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