Emily came to me with a point to prove and, my oh my, did we ever prove it.

"#operationbootyshorts2020 was a personal campaign I had, it was not about the act of wearing booty shorts…anybody can do that.
But for me, it was about the CONFIDENCE to know that I could ROCK the booty shorts.
As I was taking my own personal journey I became aware of Melinda’s Every Woman Campaign. Her message was exactly what I was trying to find myself and share with my daughters and other women.
When Melinda and I spoke I explained that as a part of the experience I wanted to showcase beauty and strength as interchangeable. That women could be strong and that doesn’t detract from their femininity or their ability to be beautiful women.
Women are lots of things, anything they want to be, and all of it is beautiful. This was the attitude that Melinda brought and shared with the session."

"I have never been so comfortable in front of a camera and had fun with the entire process.
#operationbootyshort2020 not only succeeded in me wearing the shorts but completing a photoshoot in them.
Every woman is beautiful.
Every woman is strong.
Thank you Melinda for helping me see this in myself and sharing with others.
-Emily "

Emily, you are a treasure and a champion of women. You lift and encourage other women, your sisters, to be who they are . . . to be their best and love it. It was an honor to photograph you, Emily- a woman who honors other women.
Love, Melinda
Photography Studio in Athens PA. Serving Athens, Sayre Pennsylvania, Towanda Pennsylvania, Corning New York, and Twin Tiers area.
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