Everything about Rita is unique.
The way she talks to how she dresses. She carries herself with a beautiful understanding that she doesn't fit in.
And she LOVES it!
Rita is a woman who knows what she wants and she knows what she likes.
She's particular and different.
And she'll tell you she wouldn't have it any other way.
"You listen to this," Rita said as a knowing grin spread on her face. "My father taught me, don't have a flock mentality because you disappear in a flock."
Like Rita, you've got a little something in you that makes you remarkable. You're not exactly like anyone else so know that it's ok to stand out.
It's ok to not fit in.
It's ok to dream differently.
It's ok to feel like you don't belong in the crowd (even in a small town like Sayre PA).
It's ok if you feel like you haven't found your tribe.
It's ok if your questions are odd and your view of the world isn't standard.
Being the same is boring . . . it's wasted potential.
The flock is dull and predictable. They never do anything worth talking about.
Believe that that difference you have is beautiful and needed in this grey world of sameness.
So, be different.
Hair and makeup skills thanks to Shea Hollister.
Love, Melinda
Photography Studio in Athens PA. Serving Athens, Sayre Pennsylvania, Towanda Pennsylvania, Elmira New York, Corning New York, and Twin Tiers area.
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