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Writer: melindafoxmelindafox

Do you ever have those ideas that sit with you?

You know, the ones that even after years you can't shake 'em?

You dream about it.

You see how it could come together.

You see chances to do it but you never do.

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That was this project- A Newspaper Dress.

It's not really the most original thing. Plenty of people have done this and more with far more dazzling dress results.

But I wanted, no, I needed to give it a go. I wish could tell you there was deep meaning to it. There isn't. It's just a pretty idea I had years and years ago that finally came to fruition. But that's the nice thing about being an artist- the most meaningful thing to me is that I create work that is beautiful. Beauty, in all its various forms, is the ideal. It leaves us breathless, it transforms us, stops us, pulls us from stupors, leaves us shaken while simultaneously making us feel a part of something greater and bigger than ourselves.

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Maybe that's why some ideas never leave us alone . . . maybe it's the universe calling us to step up and create because the world needs us. The world needs beauty.

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Many thanks to Shea Hollister for her incredible makeup and behind the scenes skills. She always surpasses my wildest expectations. Thanks to Gabrielle who stepped up to try her hand at creating some beautifully chaotic curls. They are perfect! And lastly, so many thanks to Bella who always trusts our ideas and brings a beautiful, almost haunting emotion to all of our creative shoots.

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Thank you all for creating with me and bringing beauty into the world. Love, Melinda

Photography Studio in Athens PA.

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